Creating better tenant-landlord relationships by eliminating unknowns, providing time-saving solutions, and easing the financial burden of renting.


Our mission is to see the rental landscape shift to make renting easier, safer, and cause less headaches. We want to facilitate better relationships between landlords and tenants by taking the risk out of renting.

Eliminate Security Deposits

By covering security deposits, we will cut the cost of moving for tenants, while also providing financial safety and peace of mind for landlords

Data-Driven Solutions

Through our data solutions, landlords and tenants can gain a comprehensive understanding of each other before making long-term decisions, so that mutually beneficial relationships can be built with ease

better monthly payments

Tenants will enjoy the benefit of reduced late fees, while landlords will have the security of rent deposited on the first day of every month, guaranteed

Get In Touch

(801) 388-0454

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